Twin Rivers Alignable Alliance

Upcoming Alliance Events

Welcome to the NEW Twin Rivers Alignable Alliance!

(Starting January 2023)

Alignable is social platform for professionals where small business owners build trusted relationships and generate referrals. An Alignable Alliance is a Local extension of the Alignable platform where you can connect with local small businesses for in-person and online events and create meaningful relationships, community support, and personal growth.
Nope! Occasionally there may be costs for certain in-person events, or opportunities to pitch in with fellow members towards a shared goal, but there are absolutely no dues for membership!

Not at all.

If you volunteer for a leadership position, we ask that you please only do so if you are committed to fulfilling the duties of the position, and to communicate with the ambassador if your availability changes for any reason.

But there are absolutely no attendance requirements nor judgements.

Please feel free to come and to participate according to your own comfort and availability.

Of course! There is no exclusivity in alliance groups. There are some great alliances nearby and we encourage you to network anywhere within your comfortable area of travel. 


Absolutely! Please schedule a one-to-one with Jillian Baker (Twin Rivers Alliance Ambassador) to discuss available roles! Role descriptions can be found below. We are a brand new alliance with plenty of openings!


Meet The Twin Rivers Leadership Team


Jillian Baker

Alliance Ambassador

Ambassador Role (and Co-Ambassador) during an event: The Ambassador acts as the facilitator, and is the one that

  • starts and ends the event.
  • leads the group through the agenda in a timely manner
  • senses the pulse of the group and keeps everyone engaged
  • encourages dialogue and participation from everyone
  • reviews the topic to be discussed carefully prior to the event
  • is the final decision maker on selecting speakers/presenters together with the team

Example Session:

The Ambassador officially starts the event asking guests to be seated, introduces themselves and the team. Introduces the venue owner (if available) and let them share about their business.
Shares Alliance mission and welcomes & thanks guests for joining and then hands the lead over to the presenter/speaker.
Ambassador thanks the speaker after presentation and opens group for discussions & thoughts, engages guests in conversations and closes the event in a timely manner.

Looking for Volunteers!


Alliance Co-Ambassador

Co-Ambassador: Stays in close contact with the ambassador and knows everything that the ambassador knows, plus

  • sends thank messages to attendees after the in-person event
  • helps the ambassador fulfill the duties of unfilled leadership roles

For virtual events:

  • Supports the other team members in their roles
  • Helps monitor the chat, thanking attendees for joining
Looking for Volunteers!


PR Manager

PR Manager(s): PR Manager is generally responsible for (and other team members can support this role as well)promoting the event by creating an initial list of websites, social media platforms and other organizations where the event can be promoted on a regular scheduled basis.

  • Creates a posting schedule for events
  • Takes pictures/short videos at the event for later posts and marketing
  • Manages posting based on the schedule
  • Creates flyers/brochures for handouts or posting in businesses
Looking for Volunteers!


Hosting Manager

Hosting Manager: The hosting manager is in charge of presentation logistics and

  • makes sure that the presenters are confirmed
  • that the presenter/presentation or event tools is prepped for the event
  • Prepares event tools and liaisons the person to present them
  • provides all required notes to the presenter, (from the event tool box if needed) and ensures that the presenter/speaker has everything they need for the event
    Gets presenters short bio/business info to be read as the introduction (virtual and in-person events)
Looking for Volunteers!


Venue Manager

Venue Manager: The venue manager liaisons between the venue owner/manager and ensuresThat the venue has confirmed seating,

  • Comes early to the venue to ensure the room is set up
  • Acts as the liaison between the venue owner/manager and attendees if needed
  • Helps with greeting members & guests

For virtual events:

  • Manages Q&A chat during presentation
  • Sets up polls beforehand if needed
  • Configures breakout rooms if needed
Looking for Volunteers!


Event Secretary

Event Secretary: The Event Secretary ensures that members check in to the meeting and

  • Brings name tags, pens (if needed)
  • Brings bowl for business card raffles
  • Registers members, greets new new members
  • Sets up table to put business cards, flyers, promotions
  • Ensures people are welcomed and introduced to the other group members

For virtual events:

  • Supports Venue manager role
  • Shares QR code with attendees